No. 81 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and Oriental languages


Nadiya Anatoliyivna Yurko
Львівський державний університет фізичної культури імені Івана Боберського
Iryna Mykolayivna Styfanyshyn
Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Boberskyi

Published 2020-07-08


  • prefixation characteristics, derivational antonyms, professional terminology, English terms, international travel
  • особливості префіксації, словотвірні антоніми, фахова термінологія, англійські терміни, міжнародний туризм


The article deals with prefixes origin and meaning in derivational antonymy of English tourism terminology. The growing requirement for global communication in the field of international travel necessitates the study of its terminology. Despite the growing bulk of research on different issues in the area of tourism, there was still a need for detailed analysis of the origin and meaning aspects of prefixation as the most abundant word building type in derivational antonymy of international travel terms.

Taking into account the necessity to study the origin and meaning features of prefixation in derivational antonymy of tourism terminology, the purpose of the article comprises identifying and exploring the prefixed antonyms features of English tourism terms according to the origin and meaning of their prefixes. The object of research is prefixation of derivational antonyms in English tourism terminology, and the subject relates to the meaning and origin of English antonyms prefixes in the field of tourism. Methods of research: literature analysis, comparative method and method of system analysis. The material of the study was represented by the sample of English tourism terms from printed and Internet resources.

The results of the research predetermine comprehensive overview of the origin and meaning of tourism antonyms prefixes, as well as defining the quantitative ratio of their productivity in the English tourism terminology. On the grounds of the research findings it was possible to draw the following conclusions. The study of the research database revealed the prevailing productivity of the native prefix unof Germanic origin and the borrowed prefix non- of Romanic origin. The analysis of tourism antonyms prefixes according to their meaning has shown the obvious dominance of negation and opposition as the main antonymous relations of any sphere, specifically in the area of international travel. The perspectives of further research have been defined as the terms systematization and compiling a tourism glossary considering the prefixation features of derivational English antonyms in the professional terminology of tourism industry.


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