No. 66 (2017): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Russian language and literature


Published 2017-02-27


  • poetry,
  • motive,
  • semiotics,
  • satire,
  • bestiary code
  • поезія,
  • мотив,
  • семіотика,
  • сатира,
  • бестіарний код
  • поэзия,
  • мотив,
  • семиотика,
  • сатира,
  • бестиарный код


In the article we consider the semiotic character and artistic specificity of the zoological images in Lev Losiev’s poetry and discover the quotation base of the most of them. Also we trace how the politically actual satirical meanings of those zoological images are created. We discover the peculiar semantic content of these images when they embody the topics of motherland and creative work in the Losiev’s poetry. Particularly we analyze the nickname “Lev Losiev” and
explore the role of paradox in the creation both semantics of the nickname and auto mythology of the poet himself.


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2. Зубова Л.В. Современная русская поэзия в контексте истории языка / Л.В. Зубова. – М. : Новое литературное обозрение, 2000. – 432 с.
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4. Лосев Л.В. Стихи / Л.В. Лосев. – СПб. : Изд-во Ивана Лимбаха, 2012. – 600 с.