No. 81 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and Oriental languages


Nataliia Mykhailivna Talavira
Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University

Published 2020-07-08


  • transformation, identical construction, modified construction, recontextualization, model
  • трансформація, ідентична конструкція, модифікована конструкція, реконтекстуалізація, модель


The aim of the given article is to single out linguistic means of rendering ideas of Donald Trump’s inaugural in English news texts. To achieve the goal we have used the method of random sampling, quantitative method, methods of discourse analysis, componential and construction analysis.

The results of the research reflect transformations of linguistic units representing the contents of the public speech in news. The inaugural address of the American president, which is his/her first official opportunity to represent his/her view of politics and his/her role in it, is widely covered in news all over the world. Moreover journalists change the content and form of the text with the help of direct and indirect quotes of the speaker, which results in recontextualization due to substitution of linguistic units, adding new elements to explain realia to a wide audience. In the analyzed ten news texts there have been singled out two groups of constructions: identical and modified. Identical constructions that are the same in both texts can contain two or three components (microconstructions) or include the whole sentence (macroconstructions). Modified constructions have transformed components and fall into two models: generalized and specified. The former is revealed by two operations depending on the length of the replaced fragments: monogeneralization summing up the content of one utterance and polygeneralization reflecting the information from one or several paragraphs. In its turn, monogeneralization falls into simplifying and accentuating variants.

Conclusions. The specified model of modified constructions is represented by three operations: clarification, which explains the meaning of the components in the original construction; substitution, replacing units used by the speaker with those having a different meaning; intensification when a quantifier, a qualifier or an indefinite pronoun transforms the semantics of the original construction. To conclude, the research of the linguistic units in the inaugural address and its reporting in news texts has shown that identical macroconstructions prevail in the analyzed articles.


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