Published 2020-07-08
- linguistic mean, influence, manipulation, advertising text
- лінгвістичний засіб, вплив, маніпуляція, рекламний текст
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to study linguistic means of exercising manipulative influence in modern French-language advertising texts of cosmetic products and perfumes.
Methods. The following research methods are used in the study: continuous sampling method (formation of actual research material), descriptive method (observation, classification and interpretation of the studied linguistic phenomena), method of functional analysis (clarification of the communicative and pragmatic purpose of linguistic means in advertising).
Results. After studying the linguistic component of modern French-language advertising texts of cosmetic products and perfumes, the following means of expressing manipulative influence in them were singled out: the use of geographical names, proper names of people, scientific terms, anglicisms, numbers, epithets, imperative constructions, colloquial words, words with a hint of hyperbole, open-ended questions and exclamatory phrases. According to our observations, the frequency of using geographical names and proper names of people (celebrities who are authorities for potential consumers) is quite high. The use of scientific terms testifies to the fact that the products are laboratory tested. Anglicisms reinforce the idea of the unique chic of advertised goods. Collocations, affixes, abbreviations are quite common techniques of verbal manipulation. The epithets emphasize the characteristic features that determine the quality of the goods, add to the advertising text emotionality and imagery. Imperative structures (verbs, used in the 2nd person plural of the imperative mood) directly create motivation for buyers. The use of colloquial vocabulary helps to build confidence, remove the class barrier. Numbers play an important role because they are convinced of the truth of the provided information. Particularly important are open-ended questions and phrases with an exclamation mark. One of the leading methods of influence is hyperbole, which in French-language advertising texts is most often created using such words as extra, mega, super, hyper, ultra, maxi, multi, parfait. Manipulation occurs by taking into the peculiarities of the construction of advertising text.
Conclusions. One of the most effective strategies that modern advertisers follow during creating cosmetic and perfume advertising texts is manipulative. This strategy involves careful selection of linguistic material, namely: geographical names, proper names, scientific terms, anglicisms, qualitative adjectives, colloquial vocabulary, open-ended questions, imperative constructions, exclamatory phrases, numbers. Manipulation occurs, in particular, by consciously and purposefully taking into account the peculiarities of the construction of advertising text, its content. It is proved that linguistic means play a leading role in creating influential advertising, capable of managing the thoughts and actions of their addressees.
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