No. 81 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and Oriental languages


Anastasiia Romanivna Bezditko
National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine

Published 2020-07-08


  • slang, SMS language, text message, classification, cryptography, abbreviation, textonym, ideogram
  • сленг, SMS-мова, текстове повідомлення, класифікація, криптографія, скорочення, текстонім, ідеограма


The purpose of the article is to analyze the phenomenon of SMS-slang and identify the main types of SMS-messages based on a continuous sample.

Methods. This investigation includes theoretical methods of scientific knowledge: study and analysis of linguistic, methodological literature, SMS-messages; methods of empirical research: conversation with students and cadets, analysis of young people’s text messages on social networks Facebook and Twitter.

Results. The article describes the development of the SMS-language as the newest form of communication, explores the concept of SMS-slang and its features at the lexical language level. During the study of the theoretical aspect of SMS-language, three components of communicative competence were identified: linguistic, sociolinguistic and pragmatic. Analyzing the English SMSslang, its most important characteristic was defined: conciseness, which is expressed in various abbreviations: it is convenient to print a letter quickly; abbreviations make it easier to uncover the essence of a letter; their use is appropriate with restrictions on the number of symbols. Generally, it was determined the following basic features of the SMS-slang: conciseness, non-standard spelling markers, form of a “small talk”, instant, private nature of the content, dependence on the means of information transference. On the basis of the structural-linguistic features of English SMS-language, six groups of SMS-messages (SMS-cryptography) were distinguished: abbreviation cryptography, replacement cryptography, number cryptography, letter cryptography, symbol cryptography, author’s cryptography. The results of the study showed that SMS-language relies on three main sociolinguistic aspects: conciseness and velocity, paralinguistic restriction, phonological approximation. SMS-slang is a specific group, which has significant differences from other types of slang and functions of this social intellect.

Conclusions. Thus, it has been studied that SMS-slang as an electronic form of communication creates a new form of thinking characterized by accelerated and compressed exchange of information. The main purpose of creating and using SMS is to convey the message using the fewest possible characters, resulting in punctuation, grammar, and capitalization are ignored, so SMS slang requires more detailed research and analysis by linguistic studios. The practical significance of the research is the development of language and communication skills within electronic and oral communication.


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