No. 81 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Literary process: theoretical and historical aspects


Lyudmyla Volodymyrivna Vodyana
Mykolaiv V. O. Sukhomlynskyi National University

Published 2020-07-08


The innovative nature of Ch. Kracht’s postmodern fiction contributed to the development of new modifications of the artistic discourse and the new character who felt the lack of meaning, a clear strategy of being, which triggers a crisis of human existence.

The purpose of the article is an attempt to develop the main causes and consequences of the self-personality identity crisis in Ch. Kracht’s novel “Faserland”.

Methods. Biographical, historical and cultural methods are dominant in the study. Existential and phenomenological method and hermeneutic methods supported a thoughtful reading and understanding of the inner world of a man. The psychoanalysis concentrated on the phenomena of art model of individual’s behavior.

Results. It was revealed that the narrator is an example of lost identity, the man who is similar to dandy. The identity crisis, represented by the various forms of self-identity in the novel “Faserland”, is a reflection of much of Germany’s youth inner feelings, caused by the modern time fluidity, the social transformations complex process, the spiritual values and communication leveling.

The identity crisis of the nameless narrator character is reproduces by Ch. Kracht in his novel through alcohol and drug addiction, where the spiritual degradation turns to result.

It is studied out that the unnamed character, unlike his acquaintances and friends, seeks to find his own identity by realizing his role in society and personal interests and abilities that determine the meaning and direction of his life.

The self-personality needs for self-determination, the ways to help the world reproduce the integrity and order lead to individual personality settle.

Ch. Kracht in the novel “Faserland” proves that the category of choice is one of the central concepts of the human spirituality formation. The author presents two types of choices: active and passive. The result is the moral and physical loss for some ones (Nigel, Rollo, Alexander) and the desire to fight for others (the main character).

Thus, the person involved in Ch. Kracht’s novel always faces a choice and is responsible for his results, even if that choice is ontological isolation.

Conclusions. The scientific research concludes that the nameless character of the Ch. Kracht’s novel “Faserland” is an example of the human existence hopeless tragedy. Both external and internal causes, unformed sense of identity cause the identity crisis.

The prospects of self-research are quite numerous. The main problems of human existence found in the novel “Faserland” are the most interesting for scientific research.


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