No. 81 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Russian language and literature


Inessa Valerievna Anikina
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University
Tatiana Mikhailovna Poliakova
A. A. Potebnia Institute of Linguistics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Published 2020-07-08


  • Russian literary language, Russian and Ukrainian inter lingual correlation, borrowing, lingual cultural lexeme
  • російська літературна мова, російсько-українська міжмовна взаємодія, запозичення, лінгвокультурема


Purpose. The purpose of the article is a phenomenon of the basic Ukrainisms functions in a Russian literary text including philosophical problems of 19–20th centuries, description of specific features and inter lingual correlation in a Russian literary text within a language norm and literature practice.

Methods. The authors use the methods of continuous sampling of Ukrainisms, comparative and historical description of the Eastern Slavic fund vocabulary, comparative method while defining the specific features of semantic processes in the structure of lexical Unrainisms.

The article gives a theoretical characteristic of the principal of Ukrainian lexical borrowing in a Russian literary text. The use of lexical Ukrainisms in the works of V.H. Korolenko and I.A. Bunin are demonstrated as a forming fact of Russian literary language based on the public, national and colloquial speech. A Ukrainian lingual element as a mean of Ukrainian cultural and historical interpretation is defined with the following terms ‘cultural lexeme’ (the Ukrainian linguistic and cultural sign), ‘lexical Ukrainism’, ‘Ukrainian lingual component’.

Lexical Ukrainisms are analyzed within different thematic groups and grammatical categories, the introductive ways into a literary text, the functioning in direct and indirect speech. The reasons for involving of Ukrainian lingual nominations into a literary text of a story, tale and essay have been explained. The norm stabilization of lexical Ukrainisms use, their fixing in the vocabulary of Russian literary language can be identified including the units fixed in lexical and graphical sources of different time periods, current period as well.

Results. The results of the survey prove the fact that Russian writers use verbal and indirect description of Ukrainian real life. Its key element (foreign verbal core) implies Ukrainian lingual components. Simultaneously, there appears the typical choice of Ukrainian lingual and cultural signs in a Russian literary text with Ukrainian themes. Ukrainisms have been identified to be basically present in direct speech – in the part of a literary text where a number of foreign elements may not have strict limits and be received naturally (explicating of the participants of another lingual culture using the native language); the formal bond of author’s neutral speech including the Ukrainian life works is shown while using less colorful Ukrainian lexemes: the author feels a picturesque power of a Ukrainian word and ‘saves’ the traditional and national object determinations their Ukrainian definitions and conceptions. It gives the reader opportunity to perceive an object and the characters’ feelings in their real life; the number of Ukrainian words in a Russian literary text is also connected with the difficulties to interpret foreign realty via the selection of different Russian nominations. The problem include object and logical differentiations of inter lingual correspondence of lexemes, as well as the absence of their similar symbolic functions.

Conclusions. The authors have concluded that easy and systemic inclusion of Ukrainian lexemes into Russian literary use (into the works with Ukrainian themes, in particular) provokes the enrichment of a Russian social and cultural context, the stabilization of cultural and lingual norm that is fixed in lexical and graphical sources of different time periods.


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