No. 81 (2020): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Ivan Vasylovych Nemchenko
Kherson State University

Published 2020-07-08


  • lyrics, music, image, symbol, melody, rhythm
  • лірика, музика, образ, символ, мелодика, ритміка


Purpose. Literature of Kherson region of the late XXth – early XXIth century is rich and various phenomenon needed objective and complete scientific consideration. But many brilliant writers of this region stay on the study periphery. The purpose of the article is analysis of musical motives and images, symbols, features of melody and rhythm in lyrics and lyric-epic works of original Ukrainian poet Valentina Naumych, whose dramatic destiny belongs to the new history of our land.

Methods. The elements of the following methods are used in the article: cultural and historical (helps to highlight the functions of musical images in the process of representation of Ukrainian national nature and historical epoch traits in creative works of Valentina Naumych), hermeneutic (ensure fluent and open interpretation of text keeping perspective for new explanations). Сomparative method provides wide possibilities for coverage of poetry and music interdependence. The research is based on the general method of analysis, synthesis, observation, selection and systematization of the material.

Results. It was found in the article that Ukrainian poetess V. Naumych had delicate understanding of music, the profound interest to the lives and creative activity of the famous composers, and this elation she carried in own artistic texts. Musical motives and images of her creative works play important role in her creation of artistic image of the world by word means. Melody and rhythm of her lyrics and lyric-epic works attest about poetess’ aspiration to combine music and poetry in a unified whole as two organic and harmonious forces. Close relations between writer’s poetry and Ukrainian folklore songs, native and foreign romance lyrics, classic music are traced in the article.

Conclusions. Thus V. Naumych’s artistic world is largely marked by rich musical imagery, the lyrics and lyric-epic of the poet are built at the intersection of two arts, using the means of polyphony. Musical motives, images, symbolism are integral elements of the individual style of the writer. The melody and rhythm of the author’s texts reach deep into the soil of folk culture, romance traditions in national and world literature and music.


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