Published 2019-11-29
- symbolism, motive complex, poetic translation, intercultural communication, contact-genetic connections, translation strategies
- символізм, мотивний комплекс, поетичний переклад, міжкультурна комунікація, контактно-генетичні зв’язки, перекладацькі стратегії
Purpose – to follow the strategies of interpretation of the “l’ennui de vivre” motive in poetic translations of F. Sologub by comparison with the original texts of French symbolists.
Methods: comparative-typological (by means of a comparative analysis of the work of the poets-symbolists, the typological and original features of the artistic realization of the motive complex “the melancholy of life” (“l’ennui de vivre”) are determined), textual and contact-genetic (comparative analysis of the texts of the original and artistic translation, revealing the influence of translation work on original work, the comparison between several poetic translations in order to find out the individual features of the reception and transformation of elements of the motive complex “l’ennui de vivre”).
Results. The article develops a thesis about the synthesis of contact-genetic relationships and typological coincidences in the implementation of the motive complex “l’ennui de vivre”. The poetic works of French symbolists in the translations of F. Sologub have been analyzed. The specificity of the reception and transformation of the motive complex “l’ennui de vivre” in poetic translations of F. Sologub was studied, and the author’s translation strategies were determined. It is proved that the main factor of intercultural communication is the poetic translation.
Conclusions. In F. Sologub’s translations the following basic strategies have been discovered: 1) a free translation-interpretation, which implies maximum approximation to the author’s consciousness and introduction of non-mythological component into the text structure; 2) a literal translation of the original with the use of equivalent poetic vocabulary and conformity of images. However, translation-interpretation dominates, as evidenced by the russification of the melancholy motive in translations from French. The basic technique of russification of the “l’ennui de vivre” motive is the introduction of images, symbols and mythologems, peculiar to Russian folklore. According to our observations, the translations of F. Sologub intensify the elegiac tone, melancholy reflection of the lyrical hero, and emphasize tanatological motives.
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