No. 80 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Literary theory


Published 2019-11-29


  • modernism, postmodernism, post-postmodernism, “Antinomies of Realism”, “Cloud Atlas”, D. Mitchell
  • модернізм, постмодернізм, постпостмодернізм, «Антиномії реалізму», «Хмарний атлас», Д. Мітчелл


Purpose of the paper is to revise the reception of the works and views of the leading postmodern theorist, American neo-Marxist F. Jameson. The key object of the analysis is V. Chernetskyi’s study (which is a part of the collective monograph “Modernism after Postmodernism”).

Methods: hermeneutic approach of text.

Results. In the article the vectors of reception of F. Jameson’s post-modernism views in modern literary criticism are outlined; potential meaningfulness of views for the research of post-postmodernism is defined; possible reasons of F. Jameson’s appeal to the analysis of the post-postmodernism British novel “Cloud Atlas” by D. Mitchell are characterized, actuality of F. Jameson’s post-modernism approaches for the crystallization of theoretical ideas about nature of both modernism and post-postmodernism is investigated.

Jameson’s theoretical visions are considered in the aspect of their relevance for studying the specifics of post-postmodernism, in particular on the material of D. Mitchell’s “Cloud Atlas”, which belongs to the significant works of literature of the 21st century. The analyzed novel is one of the key in the aspect of affirmation of the thesis about the “end of postmodernism” and the need to study new literature after postmodernism in F. Jameson’s “Antinomies of Realism”. It has been emphasized that it is expedient to characterize some views of postmodern theorist as having been reflected in the poetics of postmodernism, in particular at the level of composition and chronotope (as well as the new concept of time) in “Cloud Atlas”. Conclusions. I proved that the attention of the American literary critic and theorist of culture to D. Mitchell’s British novel is determined by the prognostic essence of the concept of F. Jameson, which, unlike the theories of J.-F. Lyotard, R. Barthes, I. Hassan and others, is not limited to postmodern narrative practices and worldviews but is rooted in the philosophical discourse of materialism (Marxism), a discussion that determines the crystallization of problem-thematic units of the British post-postmodern novel. The reasons for F. Jameson’s appeal to post-postmodernism are identified and the lines of poetic and philosophical dialogue between two cultural and historical periods (postmodernism and post-postmodernism) have been discussed. In addition, the forms of actualization of the modernist worldview, poetics and compositional features in British literary post-postmodernism have been spotlighted.


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