No. 80 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and Oriental languages


Published 2019-11-29


  • proverbs, idioms, textual dominants, strong positions of text, headline, expressiveness, media discourse
  • прислів’я, ідіоми, текстові домінанти, сильні позиції тексту, заголовок, виразність, медіадискурс


The investigation of functions and positions of phraseological units in media texts of different countries still remains as unsolved issue in modern linguistics.

The purpose of this scientific article is to analyze the functional and positional peculiarities of phraseological units in Turkish texts of online newspapers.

The methods which were used in this investigation include descriptive, contextual and interpretative analysis.

The results of this article. There is examined the current state of existing theoretical researches on publicistic language and there are reviewed linguistic papers on Turkish phraseology. This article considers the question of functional and positional characteristics of phraseological nominations in the texts of modern Turkish electronic press as a compound unit of media discourse. The results of this article shows the predominance of certain functions (attractive, nominative, evaluative, expressive, organizing or structuring) which are performed by idioms and proverbs in specific positions in the text. When considering the positional characteristics, it is revealed that they can be entered in the journalistic text in the following parts: 1) in the structure of the headline; 2) in the beginning of the text (first sentence or paragraph); 3) in the middle of the text; 4) in the final part; 5) in the structure of two or more different positions.

Moreover, there is stated that phraseologisms can undergo various types transformations, both structural and semantic, which depends on author`s creativity and pragmatic aim or intention. This research has shown that functional dimension of phraseological units depends on the position which they occur in the text. Expressive and attractive marking of phraseological units in Turkish language is mainly amplified in the “strong” parts of the text: headline, beginning and closing.


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