No. 80 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and Oriental languages


Published 2019-11-29


  • політик, неформальна комунікація, комічне, жарт, іронія
  • politician, informal communication, comic, joke, irony


The purpose of the article is to investigate the role of humour in the speeches of politicians. The methods of observation, comparison, analysis, functional and descriptive methods are employed. The article provides the variants of humour conveying in translation.

Results. It has been revealed that humour is used to provoke the opponent to aggression, to remove the tension, to be supported by a joke of peace-loving mood, it allows the parties to find a compromise. Humour is also used to provoke an opponent to aggression or other actions, thus putting the opponent at a disadvantage. Special attention is paid to the speeches of the former American president Barack Obama. The politician is found not to neglect such a stylistic device as irony. The ironic joke reinforces the comic effect, making the joke more expressive. The most important goal with which politicians generally use humour in politics is to remove the tension or to reinforce a joke with a peace-loving mood. Humour is effective within spontaneous rather than prepared communication. In conflict situations the role of humour cannot be exaggerated. In time, the funny word lightens the mood, allows the parties to calm down and find a compromise without pressure. Humour is a form of informal communication in many areas of social activity. As a kind of informal communication, it does not have such a rigid framework of censorship, unlike the information that society receives from official sources. It is the so-called lack of seriousness and simplicity of perception that help to draw attention to political issues of the wider audience than the strict terminology of formal sources of socio-political communication while a politician who uses humour against an opponent often appeals to the public, emphasizing community with them. This is an attempt to attract the audience to his / her side, thus weakening the position of the rival.

Conclusions. High-level politicians are often afraid of being clowns or witty persons. However, the tradition of humorous behaviour of politicians in the American culture exists because politics is primarily about governing people, beliefs and participation rather than force and coercion. Barack Obama uses jokes in his speeches extensively to retain the power, to earn trust of the addressees, to maintain their sympathy.


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