Published 2019-11-29
- concept, communicative functions, communicative strategies, speech genre, drama discourse
- концепт, комунікативні функції, комунікативні стратегії, мовленнєвий жанр, драматургійний дискурс
Purpose. The task of the article is the analysis of the specifics of advice as concept and speech genre.
Methods. The research uses descriptive method, discourse-analysis, and free psycholinguistic experiment. The concept description in scientific picture of the world is based on the lexicographical sources and in naive one – on the material of free associative psycholinguistic experiment which was conducted in students’ auditoriums within 2019. The speech genre is described by the way of the text analysis of modern Ukrainian playwrights: A. Bahrianoi, A. Lehkoi, A. Naumova, E. Petruchenko, K. Solovienko, N. Uvarovoi.
Results. It was found out that the frames of “orders” and “instructions” dominated in the conceptualization of the advice in scientific concept of the world. The frames of “addresser”, “emotional context, presented mainly with positive connotations”, “content of the advice”, “the way or the channel of the advice transmission”, “advice rejection” were actualized in the naïve picture of the world.
While reconstructing the communication in personality-oriented discourse the dominant position has semantics of petitions, conviction. In some cases – the strategy of suggestion. Presentation of speech genre of advice in status oriented discourse actualizes mainly the concept “benefit”. Another direction of functioning of the advice in status-oriented discourse is public disclosure, where speech genre includes communicative strategy of provocation.
In spite of semantic and functional diversity of speech genre in modern drama we find some common grammar peculiarities such as imperative for example.
Conclusions. Thus, semantic diversity of the concept and speech genre have mainly different features. Conceptualization gravitates to the structural parts of the genre, but reconstruction of communicative direction – to the way of influence on the addressee.
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