No. 80 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Published 2019-11-29


  • ethno-concept, text, discourse, symbol, implicit, latent, explication, micro-image, macro-image
  • етноконцепт, текст, дискурс, символ, імпліцитність, латентний, експлікація, мікрообраз, макрообраз


Purpose. The purpose of the article is implementation of complex linguistic analysis of Ivan Drach’s poetic text “Into the microphone of the well”. The key units of the various linguistic levels involved in processes of text-making are described; the conceptual sphere of the text is investigated, the role of micro-images and macro-images in the formation of the text as a whole is explored, the identification of implicit information which can contribute to the correct decoding and reception of poetry are outlined.

Methods. The following methods of linguistic analysis are used in the work: information-semantic (helps to identify the main meanings), conceptual (helps to investigate the role of various concepts in the forming of the text), structural-fragmentary description (can separate text segments and perform their analysis), linguistic and poetic interpretation (decoding of text content by revealing system-semantic relations of different linguistic units), associative field (detection and interpretation of associative relations between words), contextual and intertextual (explication of the functioning of cultural linguistic signs in horizontal and vertical contexts of Ukrainian literature).

Results. In-depth analysis of key linguistic units at different levels contributed to the discovery of the poetic world of Ivan Drach’s artistic discourse. Particular attention is given to the title – the strong position of the text that predicts the theme’s unfolding. The segmentation of the text made possible to trace the movement of information in it; to analyze in details the individual linguistic means at different levels and their role in ensuring cohesion and coherence, both at the level of separate fragments and the whole text.

Conclusions. A detailed analysis of different levels of linguistic means contributed to the discovery of the artistic world of Ivan Drach’s poetic text, to the identification of latent meanings encoded in its structure.


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