No. 79 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Intercultural communication


Published 2019-11-04


  • intercultural communication process, linguistic aspect, language, phraseological innovation
  • міжкультурний комунікаційний процес, лінгвістичний аспект, мова, фразеологічна інновація


The paper deals with the problems of interlingual and intercultural interaction. It is underlined that updating of the problem of intercultural communication is connected with the deepening of integration and globalization processes and the expansion of foreign economic relations of the countries across the world.

Purpose: the purpose of the research is to study the linguistic aspect of intercultural communication which reveals the peculiarities of the culture of participants in the communicative process by means of language (based on phraseological innovations).

Methods: the general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization as well as continuous sampling method to sample the factual basis of the study are used in the research.

Results. As a result of the research the close connection between intercultural communication and the study of foreign languages is emphasized. It is noted that native speakers of different languages reflect their perception of the world and their thoughts in different way using, in particular, phraseological units that enrich our perception of the surrounding reality, significantly replenish the vocabulary of a language and give it a vivid expressive emotional color.

Phraseological innovations of the English language are illustrative of the reflection of intercultural communication through the elements of the language code. It is emphasized that figuratively associative and expressive-stylistic filling of phraseological innovations of modern English complicates communication and affects communicative competence of interlocutors.

It has been proved that appearance of new words is caused both by linguistic and extra-linguistic factors. It is noted that the emergence of phraseological innovations is associated with all spheres of public life. Examples of phraseological innovations, active suppliers of which are mass media, political sphere of life of society, sphere of economy and business, trade, advertising, medicine and biology, etc. are given.

Conclusions. The importance and growth of the role of intercultural translation has been proven because cultural specific features form the problem of their preservation in the translation process. To achieve an understanding in intercultural communication its participants need to know the cultural component of the meaning of the word. It is concluded that language is both a reflection of the identity of culture and an intermediary in the intercultural communication process.


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