No. 79 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and Oriental languages


Published 2019-11-04


  • economic terminology system, hybridization, term element, word formation, composite
  • економічна терміносистема, гібридизація, терміноелемент, словотворення, композит


The paper considers the features of the Anglo-American borrowing of economic terms into the German language, as well as word formation using foreign/borrowed elements.

The purpose of this study is to determine the role of borrowing Anglo-American elements of terms in the German economic terminology.

In work the complex methods are used, namely the method of comparative analysis, which allows to reveal typological characteristics of the studied units, the method of structural analysis, which determines the word-building structure of the complex economic English-German terms and the method of transformation / periphrasis of the compound term.

As a result of research, it has been found that English terms replace existing descriptive translations, have a more concise form compared to existing special expressions and contribute to the conciseness, clarity and technicality of the expression and add additional semantic shades to the field of values of the corresponding group of existing terms. The basic prerequisites for the borrowing of English terms are defined, namely the need to nominate a new concept, still missing in the German economic sphere, to designate a more differentiated value in comparison with the synonymous initial symbol for the expression of a special content and the adoption of a term with a large conceptual coverage. According to these pre-conditions, English borrowings of economic terms in German are divided into three groups, namely, English borrowings, which denote new concepts that are not in German, English borrowings, which have synonymous variants in German and Anglo-German economic terms. The impossibility in some cases to cover a particular economic concept with the help of borrowing and word-formation led to the hybridization of terms. Among the hybrid terms studied, nouns predominate.

In conclusion, it is proved that the Anglo-American unit appears as a defining term element. The desire to form hybrid forms from

English and German elements is that they replace the original periphrases or bulky terms-composites. Often, the German element has an explanatory meaning or serves to generalize the concept, and in this case it carries a minimal semantic load.


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