No. 79 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Published 2019-11-04


  • derivation, derivation space model, lexical-derivative ties, semema, legal text
  • деривація, модель дериваційного простору, лексико-дериваційні зв’язки, семема, юридичний текст


The purpose of the paper is to create a derivational word space model of the modern Ukrainian law text.

Methods. The research is carried out in the framework of the formed concept of derivational lexicology. The rational methodology of the research is determined, an example of its application is given, which allowed, in particular, to fix the list of values of the word under study right.

Results. The word realizes its potential of derivational functioning in the text, and the functional properties of the word in the text are in double contextuality. We perceive the difference between the forms of the word not only in the varieties of the morphological structure, but also in the variety of so-called lexical forms that make up the model of the derivation word: 1) synthetic and analytic  forms of interchange; 2) phonomorphological variants of the word; 3) etymological variants of the word; 4) lexical-stylistic variants of the word; 5) lexical-syntactic variants of the word; 6) lexical-phraseological variants.

Conclusions. The boundaries of semantic variation of the word are determined to the breadth of the concepts expressed by it and the variety of associative ties. The most important manifestation of the lexical beginning in the development of derivative words, which ultimately may lead to the emerge of specifications, is the idiomatic semantics and lexicalization of the IFW. A lexical unit gets additional impulses for creating a qualitatively new meaning in its connections with other units in the lexical system of language which also has a great potential of creativity. The derivational space of a word is a multidimensional structure. It is composed of lexical, phonetic, morphological and word-formation variation. A lexical word (a complex of all lexico-semantic variants within one lexical unit) is a basic category for all above variation types. It forms a vertical axis of the derivative space of the word that reflects the qualitative variety of lexical categories represented in the word. Morphological and word-formation derivation form the axes of horizontal word development at the level of individual lexico-semantic variants. Grammatical and word-formation re-categorisation of a unified lexical meaning takes place within derivation areas. The horizontal components of the derivative space of a word reflect its quantitative-categorial structure.


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