No. 79 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Published 2019-11-04


  • model of the world, sanctuary, religious motives, life and work of Vasyl Barka, poetic palette, author’s style
  • модель світу, самотність, релігійні мотиви, життя та творчість Василя Барки, поетична палітра, авторський стиль


This article deals with the life and work of Vasyl Barka. He is one of the most prominent writers of the 20th century and one of the brightest representatives of Ukrainian emigration. The artist spent most of his life outside Ukraine. Nowadays he is returning to his native land in his poems.

Purpose. This research analyzes the facts of his life in order to explain the original poetic micro- and macrocosm of the writer, it focuses on such aspects of his creativity, which underlie the philosophical design of the writer’s own picture of the world.

Methods. The research is based on microanalyses, biography, sociology, and moreover, to perform art concept analysis of the sanctuary various layers analysis methods were used.

Results. It is believed that faith in God has always lived in the soul of the writer. But tough rejection of religion by the communist system, aggressive destruction of everything related to faith and church, encouraged the artist to look for the depths of this phenomena.

Searching for the truth, Vasyl Barka is convinced that the deepest human’s tragedy lays in their sinful separation from God.

The article says that Barka’s dream of an ideal world coincides with Skovoroda’s theory. However, the artist not only dreamt of such a world, but he became his representative himself. This view is confirmed by the last period of his life. Constant philosophical reflections about the sense of life have resulted in the change of the world outlook and the complete adoption of Christian ideology.

With the help of his writings, Vasyl Barka tries to purify our spirituality from all the stinging and hypocritical things which were done by the Pharisees from science and arts and their books. In search for harmony, Barka creates poetry of original style which requires the reader’s physical and spiritual attention.

Conclusions. The research concludes that due to some life circumstance Barka was forced to live alone, thus upon the article author’s thought this has caused Barka to develop his specific minding, reality, and thus creativity. Probably, the very life within this world has given him opportunity to approach dreamed up sacredness and, therefore, his art. The artist’s specific life conditions and his world understanding have reflected in his art, first of all, in his paperwork “Ocean”.

The prospects of Barka’s art research are tremendous, specifically it would be interesting to conduct communication-cognitive analysis of the aloneness art concept which saturates the “Ocean”.


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