No. 78 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Language and mass media

STRUCTURAL FEATURES OF INFORMATION TEXTS (ON THE MATERIAL OF THE ENGLISH-LANGUAGE PRESS) The article is devoted to the study of the structural organization of information texts. The paper

Published 2019-09-19


  • information text, structure, features, headline, newspaper-journalistic style
  • інформаційний текст, структура, особливості, заголовок, газетно-публіцистичний стиль


The article is devoted to the study of the structural organization of information texts. The paper analyzes the main elements of newspaper texts and their composition. A definition of the journalistic style is given and its main features are presented. The analysis of structural features of texts from English-language electronic editions “The Times” and “The Telegraph” is carried out.

As a result of the analysis, we came to the conclusion that the journalistic style is one of the functional styles, the purpose of which is the transfer of information. In addition to that it has the function of influence: the author of the article must influence the reader’s feelings and mind.

It can also be said that the information message is one of the main genres of the newspaper and journalistic style, since it meets the main requirement of modern society – to submit actual information in an accurate and compact form.

The analysis of English information messages made it possible to identify a number of specific features. The presentation of information material in the article is based on the principle of the “inverted pyramid”, when the most important information is located “above”, and then less significant and interesting facts follow. The text, constructed in this way, conveys all the components of the message most compactly and clearly, and the presentation of information is of interest to readers.

The structure of the newspaper note includes such components as the title (sometimes the subtitle), the introduction, the main body of the text, the conclusion (if any), forming a single whole of the journalistic text. The boundaries between the structural components of the news story are mobile, but the components themselves are closely connected semantically, which often leads to their interchangeability or syncretism.

So, taking above-mentioned into account, we can conclude that the need to transfer a significant amount of information in conditions of limited newspaper space requires the use of a special structure of the information text.

We see the prospect of further research in the study of extralinguistic means of influence on foreign readers.


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