No. 78 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
General linguistics


Published 2019-09-19


  • concept, contextual analysis, prototype, Gestalt, frame, cognitive metaphor
  • концепт, контекстуальний аналіз, прототип, гештальт, фрейм, когнітивна метафора


The article represents experience and analysis of different methods of conceptual analysis, theory of prototype, logical analysis of language, Gestalt theory, theory of frames, theory of field, cognitive theory of semantic fields, metaphor theory, cultural theory, linguistic and cultural theory. Advantages and disadvantages of each of these theories are covered separately.

The study found that for a full understanding of the concept is not enough to point out its basic parameters, we need to analyze its origin and dynamics of all the projections semantic space. Therefore, the method of conceptual analysis is a reliable tool for identifying the origin of some important terms of contemporary culture.

Analysis of approaches to methods of studying concepts made it possible to reveal the ambiguity that arose when using terminological phrase “conceptual analysis” in modern linguistic turn. The phrase “conceptual analysis” can mean analysis of concepts and a way of their research, namely analysis using concepts or analysis that has its boundary units concepts, unlike the basic semantic features during the component analysis. We believe that the conceptual analysis – it is the study, for which the concept is the object of analysis.

In the work were emphasized that the concept can be described through the analysis of their means of linguistic objectification, because it “scattered” in the linguistic signs that it objectifies, the concept for structuring must examine all the body language that it represents.

The study showed that the concept’s nominative field need to build continuous sampling using continuous sampling of language specific concept representants of encyclopaedic, etymological, cultural, mythological, dictionaries. After all dictionaries represent all the totality of human knowledge about the world; dictionary definitions include human verbalized ideas, concepts, concepts that are the very essence consists picture of the world.

The attention was paid on the fact that despite all the contradictions of these techniques they are based on the same research procedures – etymological analysis, component analysis, contextual analysis and interviews. It is proposed in the analysis of the relevant concept, taking into account the postulated integrative approach, using a comprehensive methodology aimed at highlighting different aspects of the concept.


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