No. 78 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and Oriental languages


Published 2019-09-19


  • drama, play, perspective, point of view, schema, schema-oriented language, linguistic indicators of perspective, linguostylistic means
  • драма, п’єса, перспектива, точка зору, схемата, схемато-орієнтована мова, лінгвістичні маркери перспективи, лінгвостилістичні засоби


The article attempts at analysis of schema-oriented language as a linguistic indicator of perspective in B. Show’s Pygmalion. The author looks at linguostylistic devices that are used to implement schema-oriented language in the play as they construct the perspective. The linguostylistic analysis of perspective in B. Show’s Pygmalion lends support to the idea that the main stylistic means of expressing schema-oriented language in this text is metaphor.


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