No. 78 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and Oriental languages


Published 2019-09-19


  • compositional speech form, narration, literary text, novel
  • композиційно-мовленнєва форма, розповідь, художній текст, роман


The aim of the article is to study compositional speech form “narration” as the category of literary stylistics, outline its types and formal markers, as well as describe the text fragments that represent compositional speech form “narration” in the novels by Charlotte Bingham.

The term “compositional speech form” has been defined in the article as a specific communication model that within the text correlates with certain intellectual and communicative categories.

It has been ascertained in the article that narration is the compositional speech form which carries the main plot load within the text.

It has been revealed in the article that the researched compositional speech form is classified into nuclear (primary) and peripheral (secondary). The former is represented by narration, while the latter by informative narration.

The term “narration” has been defined in the article as the nuclear compositional speech form which is aimed at the depiction of a sequence of events or logical transition from one state to another; actions and events depicted in the narration replace each other sequentially, thereby representing stages of the plot unraveling.

The term “informative narration” has been defined in the article as the peripheral compositional speech form which is actualized by the sentences that include statements or facts, i. e. are resultative in nature. In informative narration the logical time sequence of events, which is characteristic of narration and represented by the chain (temporal) bond between its sentences or sentence parts, is nihilated gaining additional nuance of enumeration. Thus, unlike narration, informative narration represents a certain synthesis of the chain (temporal) and parallel (spatial) bond between sentences or sentence parts that constitute this compositional speech form.

The text fragments of the novels by Charlotte Bingham that represent compositional speech forms “narration” and “informative narration” have been described in the article. Their quantitative correlation in the novels by Charlotte Bingham has been revealed.

It has been researched that nuclear compositional speech form “narration” is prevalent in the novels by Charlotte Bingham (98,5%), while peripheral compositional speech form “informative narration” is less frequent (1,5%).


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