No. 78 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and Oriental languages


Published 2019-09-19


  • science-fiction, quasispecial vocabulary, system, core and periphery
  • квазіспеціальна лексика, наукова фантастика, система, ядро та периферія


The paper focuses on the quasispecial vocabulary used in modern science fiction written by English-speaking authors. Main properties of the quasi-special lexicon are analyzed as the part of general scientific functional methodology. The paper considers characteristic features of this lexical layer and describes its functions. Special emphasis is laid on different units of quasi-special vocabulary which are able to establish the semantic and stylistic connections in the text between each other. The study allows to identify the main elements of the system of quasi-special vocabulary in science fiction. This system consists of the core and periphery.

In the science fiction text, lexical units that refer to the system’s core are the language means that are significant in the text. They are regular and permanent elements of the text. Such units introduce basic concepts that help to create the image of the imaginary world. As far as periphery is concerned, it serves only as a background for the development of main events. The frequency of such units in the text is low (usually once or twice), and the explanation of their meaning is normally partial. In addition, the units belonging to the core of the system are directly connected with the subject of the narration. They are active elements that create the imaginary world. On the other hand, the peripheral lexical units are connected with the storyline implicitly. Their function is to create scientific atmosphere or imaginary exotic colouring in the text.

The paper accentuates that all the elements of this system (both the core and the periphery) are interconnected and interrelated. They both are used to create the image of the imaginary world in the text. This reveals the main function of the quasispecial vocabulary in science fiction. This function is associated with the property of the vocabulary to form a certain conceptual system, certain lexical and semantic groups in the text.


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