No. 78 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Literature of foreign countries


Published 2019-09-19


  • Doris Lessing, dilogy, novel, mythological world, mythological symbolism, colourism, neomythogism
  • Доріс Лессінг, дилогія, міфосвіт, міфосимволіка, неоміфілогізм, роман


The article discovers the late creativity, written by one of the most famous feminist writers of the 20–21th centuries Doris Lessing. The object of the literary analysis are novels “Mara and Dann” (1999), “The Story of General Dann, Mara’s Daughter, Griot and Snow Dog” (2005). The novels reveal the peculiarities of mankind’s life after an unknown catastrophe on the continent of Africa. The art world of dilogy reveals the presence of the mythological context. The space and attributes of the novels are imbued with sacred content. The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of creating mythological world in the given novels. One of the leading means of creating an author’s articstic worls is mythosymbolics. Therefore, the key areas are the study of the colour of the “world of things” and the space of dilogy, the solar mythological symbolism, the study of water symbolism functioning.


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