No. 78 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Published 2019-09-19


  • aggressiveness, Ukrainian soviet poetry of 1920–1940th, masculinity, colonialism, masculine technics of writing
  • агресія, українська радянська поезія 1920–1940-х років, маскулінність, колоніальність, маскулінна техніка письма


The article deals with the specificity of types and methods of textual implementation of aggressive fillings as masculine poetical tactics in the Ukrainian soviet poetry of 1920–1940th (among all art personalities taken into account, who shared the ideas of socialism-bolshevism: O. Vlysko, V. Ellan-Blakytnyi, V. Sosura, P. Tychyna, D. Falkivskiy, V. Chumak and others). The main methodological strategies chosen in this research are gender and psychological studies. The theoretical base of the work consists of gender sociology, gender psychology, psychoanalysis and uses their achievements of male studies and the reasons of men’s behavioral aggressiveness in particular. Aggressive intentions expressed in Ukrainian lyrics signalize the transformation of national masculinity under totalitarian pressure and traumatic experience of the civil war and the revolution (1914–1920). Simultaneously men’s aggressiveness as a way of power was encouraged by patriarchal society at all times, such type of aggression was caused also by men’s Oedipus’s hostility towards own parents. In this work we can underline three kinds of aggressiveness in Ukrainian soviet poetry of 1920 –1940th: 1) caused by resentment and requirement of revenge: aggressive fillings were direct to class enemies (exploiters and others, who were not agree with soviet rules), sometimes to the “old” “bourgeois-nationalistic” Ukraine, which had to be destroyed, and to the fascism with the beginning of the Second World War (within this theme poets had a chance to express indirectly their anger at the totalitarian soviet regime); 2) (auto)destructive aggressiveness addressed at own personality and embodied by the suicide or self-flagellation motives were often correlated with fillings of guilt and fear (destructive intentions were also extrapolated towards environment); 3) ideologically aggressiveness was imposed on poets by the Communist Party as an essential element of mass propaganda and internal politics.


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