No. 78 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Published 2019-09-19


  • particles, verb, grammatical parameters, functional expression, rheme
  • частки, дієслова, граматичні параметри, функційні вияви, рема


On the modern stage of development of Ukrainian morphology, the issue of the scientific description of the semantics of particles of the Ukrainian language remains relevant. A complication of this task is explained by the specifics of the functional-communicative use of particles; in fact, on the one side, particles give additional semantic or modal colour to the word or sentence, and on the other – participate in the formation of the theme-rheme structure of the sentence.

Research relevance consists in that Ukrainian linguistics is characterized by the insufficient level of study of linguistic status of particles and their linguistic features, in particular, consideration of parts in verbal position and studies of corresponding functional-communicative possibilities. The novelty of work lies in the small number of researches in Ukrainian linguistics of grammatical and functional-communication parameters of functioning of particles that belong to verbs in a sentence.

The theoretical value of the obtained results consists in the possibility to apply conclusions in modern scientists’ scientific works devoted to particles and verbs of the Ukrainian language, their grammatical features, and also functional-communicative possibilities in a sentence.

The aim of the work – to carry out the functional-semantic analysis of intensifying particles аж, же, та in the verbal position taking into account the grammatical parameters of functioning, and also the role of these particles in forming theme-rheme structure of sentence based on materials of the modern Ukrainian fiction.

Under the grammatical aspect of the description of particles, we mean description of intensifying particles that belong to verbs: position in relation to a verb, morphological parameters of a verb (manner, time, and others). Functional aspect consists in finding out functions performed by the investigated particles in verbal position, and also possible implicit senses, which they bring in a sentence. Outlining the role of intensifying particles in forming the sentence’s theme-rheme structure is a communicative aspect of the article.

Thus, intensifying particles аж, же, та combine with the verbs of the indicative and imperative mood of the present and past time, occupying here pre- and post-position. Particles perform typical intensifying and intensifying-emphasising function and give additional semantic colours to the word or sentence. Analysed contexts demonstrate that particles аж, же, та come forward as additional means of emphasising the rheme in the communicative organization of sentence.


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