No. 78 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Published 2019-09-19


  • irony, unreliable narrator, narrative strategy, game, G. Shkurupii, V. Donontovich
  • іронія, ненадійний наратор, наративна стратегія, Ґ. Шкурупій, В. Домонтович


The narrative analysis of the novels by G. Shkurupii “Doors in the day” and V. Domontovych “Doctor Serafikus” is considered in the article. In both works, an unreliable poster operates, and the constructive element of such a narrative strategy is irony. An attempt is made to investigate the peculiarities of the phenomenon of an unreliable narrator and to get deeper into his discourse, in which one of the key roles is played by irony.

The one who tells is the center of the narrative text. Therefore, the article examines in detail the authority of the auditor, which is characterized by various manifestations of unreliability. A number of reasons and conditions for this type of double story are singled out, since two stories coexist in one plot. Predominantly, irony is the constructive element that creates the distance between the implicit author (who is the bearer of the values of the work) and the unreliable narrator. Irony as an artistic reception is always controversial, since it is created by exposing the falsity of certain realities. There is a reframe of stereotypical situations, which opens a different context, and, accordingly, meaning. It is investigated that unreliable narration and irony have double meaning and hidden content. That is why irony naturally fits into the narrative strategy.

Geo Shkurupii and V. Domontovych are distinguished by their original approach to literature in the history of Ukrainian literature of the 1920’s and 1930’s. In the analysis of the novel “Doors in the day” it was established that irony arises on the dietary, extradiogenetic, intra-dietary levels. Narrative text is created by an unreliable (naive) narrator and numerous comments by the explicit author, full of irony and ridicule. In the novel by V.Domontovich “Doctor Serafikus”, the narrative situation is of another order. The study found that the narrator is the artist Corwin, who tries to transmit the personal story to the maximum objectively. The motives for the false narration based on the personal interest and bias of the character are determined.

A detailed narrative analysis of works expresses the meanings that were masked for certain reasons, and also allows us to establish artistic functions of an unreliable journalist. Understanding this phenomenon makes it possible to make a holistic analysis of artistic text.


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