No. 78 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Published 2019-09-19


  • рекламне повідомлення, екстралінгвальні чинники, функції реклами, лексичні засоби рекламного повідомлення
  • advertising message, extralinguistic factors, advertising functions, lexical means of advertising message


The paper deals with extralinguistic factors that directly or indirectly affect selection and organization of linguistic elements in advertising message and its compositional structure: character of promotional item; market peculiarities (geographical, climatic conditions, in which advertising activity is carried out); type of addressee (its customs, traditions, sympathies, system of moral and spiritual values, demographic data – sex, age, income level, consumer’s education; psychological (age) peculiarities, preferences, needs, desires and views, philosophical beliefs, professional hierarchy of potential buyers, etc.); target guide of advertising text, communication purpose. Verbal means of Ukrainian textual advertising at lexical level providing a proper communicative effect have been studied. It has been determined that creative potential of modern Ukrainian advertising message is expressed in the use of lexical means capable to give desired emotional color to expression depending on features of advertising text and its main purpose. First of all, polysemy is natural to lexicon used in advertising messages. Epithets, metaphors, comparisons, lexical repeats enhance expressiveness of advertising image, a phenomenon of phraseological transformation is quite common in advertising. A specific lexical phenomenon in advertising messages is the use of neologisms that serve to nominate new concepts and realities, as well as to replace the previous names with the new ones, caused by tendency of linguistic simplification, more expressive, more precise naming, expressive and stylistic updating. It has been proved that common feature which is natural to advertising texts is the presence of an organic connection between all components of the text, as they make a special emotional drawing and maximum meaningful content with minimum structural load.


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