No. 78 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Published 2019-09-19


  • vocative, appellatives, personification of personality, aspects of communication related to the addressee, addressant, communicative situation
  • вокатив, звертання, кличний відмінок, апелятиви, персоніфікація особистості, аспекти спілкування, пов’язані з адресатом, адресантом, із ситуацією спілкування


The article studies the influence of personality personification on the development and functioning of vocative in the modern Ukrainian space, namely: the level of communicative depersonalization is rising, the number of situations in which people communicate without getting acquainted and without entering into personal relations is increasing; one can experience just information exchange taking place without the establishment of spiritual connections; the pragmatic aspects of communication through the prism of vocative are considered, namely: the influence of communicants on each other by means of linguistic means; the dependence of the pragmatic aspects of communication on the participants of communication and the relations between them has been proved (aspects of communication related to the addressee, addressant, the communicative situation); the most common types of vocatives are analyzed in terms of semantics and structure, as well as functioning in modern speech, namely: vocatives for animate – inanimate nouns, proper names (name, patronymic, surname); appeal to a loved one; appellatives, formed by the folk poetic model or directly borrowed, etc. Summing up, we can state that in modern pragmatic speech there is a vocative for animate nouns while the vocative for inanimate nouns is hardly ever found. In addition, the vocative for animate nouns contains anthroponyms to denote family ties, proper names (name, surname, patronymic), substantiated adjectives to denote intimate relationships between people, as well as theonyms, zoonyms. As for the structure, vocative in the preposition prevails, vocative in the postposition and interposition is much less observed than that one in the preposition. This is due to the fact that the pragmatic communication between communicants involves an incentive to the action of a particular communicative addressee, so the sentence starts with vocative. One-component structures and contracted forms dominate, while two-component and three-component structures occur less which is due to the contextual nature of communication (people do not enter into close relations). From the functional side, vocative is connected with spoken speech; it is almost absent in a bookish way of speaking, except for literary style, partly publicist one. The polite etiquette forms provided by national traditions are recommended for non-conflict communication in society. In a family circle, it is advisable to use appellatives for diminutive forms.


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