No. 78 (2019): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Published 2019-09-19


  • reminiscences, allusion, foreign language elements, quantitative fragments, devotion, citation
  • інтертекстуальність, ремінісценція, алюзія, іншомовні елементи, кількісні фрагменти, присвята, цитата


The article is devoted to the analysis of Pluzhnik’s poetry through the prism of intertextuality which is a new and important aspect of studying the artist’s creativity. The problem of intertextuality was considered by many researchers (R. Bart, I. Smirnov, N. Korableva) and in various aspects (philosophical, cultural, theoretical and literary). Our goal is to analyze a “foreign word” on the basis of Pluzhnik’s lyrics from the point of view of poetry.

On the intertextual character of Pluzhnik’s poetry indicate reminiscences – the essential repercussion in a literary work of another literary work. Similarities of composition, stylistics, phraseology are manifested in similarity. Reminiscence is a reminder made by the author to the reader about earlier literary facts and their text components. The artistic functioning of “a foreign word” in the text of E. Pluzhnik shows an allusion. Allusion is a stylistic reception, a hint, a reference to a particular literary work, plot or image, as well as a historical event based on the erudition of the reader, designed to solve the encoded content.

The author’s text of Evgen Pluzhnik shows the existence of additional types of intertextual relations, among which are foreign-language elements.

In particular, the French words in the text of E. Pluzhnik are used naturally and harmoniously, without violating the individually author’s sound of the artist’s lyrics. On the contrary, the introduction of foreign words deepens the aesthetic charge of poetry, indicating on communication of cultures.

Consequently, the analysis of E. Pluzhnik’s poetry in the aspect of intertextuality testifies to the constant presence of a “foreign word” at the formal-content level, which gives to the works a specific, original and unique sound. The presence in the author’s text, in addition to the main types of intertextual relations (citations, reminiscences, allusions), additional (foreign-language elements, quantitative fragments, dedications), is a marker of the polysemic content of author’s text. We can assert that the works of the artist through intertextual connections form the circle of mood, philosophy and philosophy of E. Pluzhnik. We can assert that the works of the artist through intertextual connections form the circle of mood, worldview and poet’s philosophy.


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