Published 2018-12-27
- «l’ennui de vivre»,
- artistic translation,
- translation strategy,
- reception
- «l’ennui de vivre»,
- художній переклад,
- перекладацька стратегія,
- рецепція
The article devoted to the specificity of reception of the motif «l’ennui de vivre» in translations of V. Bryusov. The most studied aspect is the theory of poetic translation, developed by V. Bryusov, as well as his role in expanding of the sphere of influence of French symbolism into Russian poetry through artistic translations. The purpose of the article is to find out the specifics of V. Bryusov’s translations, to identify their significance in the processes of reception and
installation of the motif «l’ennui de vivre» in the poetry of Russian symbolism.
Despite V. Bryusov’s literalism, in his translations the differences from the original texts at the level of artistic techniques are still observed. However, they are not as significant as the divergence of translation with the original source of F. Sologub and I. Annensky. For V. Bryusov, not only the equivalence of translation at the lexical level is important, but also the dominant signs of style that play a great part for the emotional influence of the original text. This idea coincides with the principles of M. Rylsky, who also spoke about the importance of isolating the dominant and its representation in artistic translation.
The investigated motive in V. Bryusov’s translations is transmitted without any significant changes. Hovever, sometimes the translator allows himself some deviations from the original. V. Bryusov’s translation strategy is characterized by the
choice of the most characteristic features of the text and their equivalent display in translation.
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