Published 2018-12-27
- role lyrics,
- title,
- subtitle,
- epigraph,
- author's notes
- рольова лірика,
- заголовок,
- підзаголовок,
- епіграф,
- авторські примітки
From the second half of the 20th century the problem of the subjective organization of lyrics and, accordingly, the forms of its artistic typology attracts the special attention of researchers. This problem has acquired relevance due to general complication of the forms of the author's consciousness expression in the poetry of the 19th and especially the 20th century, and with the affirmation in its array so-called role lyrics, opposed to the autopsychological lyrics.
The purpose of scientific research is the study of means of the role lyrics artistic objectification traced on the material of Ukrainian poetry. Specific tasks of the study are the questions related to formal methods of compositional and speech figuration of poetic role text, its conceptual and meaningful aspects, which manifest themselves at the level of the ideological and thematic lyrics’ concepts expression.
The article examines the artistic phenomenon of the role lyrics. It has been established that the main formal means of the role lyrics artistic objectification are the so-called framework of a poetic work and receptions of its stylistic figuration – title, subtitle, epigraph, author's notes. It has been noted that receptions of stylistic figuration of means of the role lyrics artistic objectification should be considered the speech manner or the speech style of the poetic work speech subject, which more or less sharply contrasts with the literary norm of the language and, accordingly, the style appropriate the author's "I".
It has been stated that the main means of conceptual and meaningful role lyrics artistic objectification is the status of a speech subject, declared in a poetic work, which, for one reason or another, is incompatible with the biographical
hypostasis of the author's "I".
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