Published 2018-12-27
- advertisement,
- linguo-pragmatic peculiarities,
- recipient,
- Apple brand
- рекламний текст,
- лінгвопрагматичні особливості,
- реципієнт,
- бренд Apple
The article deals with linguo-pragmatic peculiarities of Apple brand advertisements. The fact that any advertisement influences people and creates a communicative connection between advertisement and recipient is a well-known fact. This connection is carried out through linguo-pragmatic peculiarities of the text. The research underlines that one of the most common ways to promote any advertisement is the Internet. Apple Company has many examples of high-quality advertising texts online, that is why these texts are under consideration in this article.
The main idea of advertisement is to stimulate people to buy the product that is why special attention is devoted to linguistic means that contribute to the influence of the advertisement on the recipient. The research illustrates various types of stylistic linguistic means. The research focuses on their implementation and functioning. The analysis of linguistic means demonstrates their role in the advertisement. Different types of sentences used in advertising texts are under consideration.
Therefore, this article is a helpful tool for linguists exploring specifics of advertisement, especially the Internet-advertisement. The perspective of the study is detailed research of the advertising texts and their complex linguo-pragmatic peculiarities since they are dominant in these types of texts.
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7. URL: (дата звернення: 01.10.2018).