Published 2018-12-27
- noesis,
- noema,
- New Novel,
- thingness
- ноеза,
- ноема,
- новий роман,
- речевість
Such notions as intentionality, experience, perception and also noesis and noema have acquired a specific meaning in the fiction and critics of ХХ century through the prism of phenomenological recommendations. Two terms – noesis and noema have been borrowed from ancient Greek and are applied to define different poles of intentional direction of consciousness. As philosophers claim, our perception of reality is possible exactly owing to a noetic and noematic
Noema and noesis as well as their derivatives – noematics and noetics were introduced into linguistic research only at the end of ХХ century. Though the terms have not become the object of further research, nevertheless such scholars as B. Potye, J. Molinyii, P. Vinkler, T. Bovsunivska, L.Hohotishvili, V. Lehtsier have dedicated a lot of works to these matters. Some of them attach noematics with semantics; others see literature philosophy in noetics. There is also an idea
to share the thought of philosophers about partial and general perception.
Taking into consideration the treatment of philosophers and scholars we have analyzed a linguistic definition of noetic and noematic correlation in fiction on the example of the abstract of the novel by A. Robbe-Grillet “In Labyrinth”. The research under consideration proves and explains the inclination of A. Robbe-Grillet to a partial visual reality depiction which illustrates a vision noesis in this case. This noesis may be actualized in numerous noemas and this way it helps to see the things and objects from different angles.
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