No. 76 (2018): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and Oriental languages


Published 2018-12-27


  • speech,
  • concept,
  • phraseology,
  • phraseological units,
  • money
  • мова,
  • концепт,
  • фразеологія,
  • фразеологічні одиниці (ФО),
  • гроші


The purpose of the article is to identify the features of language objectification of the concept of MONEY on the representatives of the English-speaking society according to the phraseology. The phraseological units with the component-denomination of money are considered in the most detail, because they play an important role in the English language, namely on the phraseological level. Money, since their appearance, has always been at the center of human attention. Our interest lies in the functioning and verbal implementation of the MONEY concept in English at the level of phraseology, because the American and British mentality is characterized by a special materiality and a cult of money.
The data of our analysis of phraseological units for denoting money in the English language, shows that they can be divided into the following groups: phraseologisms for the expression of wealth; for profit; to express costs; expression of own feelings and views; our attitude to money and a group that expresses poverty or lack of money.
We discovered that because of its relevance, money attracts a lot of phraseologisms that form a certain picture that reflects the peculiarities of the perception of money by native speakers of English. Money appears in English phraseology, first of all, as a force, a propulsion, something important, omnipotent. This suggests that money is a very important component of English-language culture. There is a desire to accumulate more money and save as much as possible. The collected lexicographic material also suggests that the origin of money is not important, their presence is important.
The prospect of research of phraseological units to refer to the concept of MONEY is to further analyze the methods
of linguistic objectification of the concept under investigation in the English-language discourse.


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