No. 76 (2018): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Ukrainian language and literature


Published 2018-12-27


  • female prose,
  • the concept «woman»,
  • sensory-perceptual images
  • жіноча проза,
  • концепт «жінка»,
  • сенсорно-перцептивні образи


Polivalence of artistic arrangements of the concept «woman» in the Ukrainian female prose is defined by figurative, typological and axiological universals of its conceptual content. Female representation of the key concept in the feminine prose doesn't give foreground to the cognitive model of its objectification, but to emotive nature of its modelling.
Auditory sensorisms, which become the source of knowledge about the psycho-physical condition of the heroines, operate primarily to complete a representative atmosphere of the concept «woman». Usually, the subject of the author's studying is evaluated through physiological parameters of tempo and timbre melismatics of the sound content of the voice, which completes the image with the new nuances, which form the character.
However, the increased sensitivity of the woman-author provokes actualization and psycho-affective modus of deployment of the acoustic sensors, which allows to accumulate the attention of the recipient mainly on the internal registers and the feelings of the heroines.
Perceptual empiricism of the concept «woman» is also presented by the authors through associative modus of the olfactory sensor, capable of extending the artistic area of the concept in its total sensuality and axiological status of representation, thus affecting the psycho-emotional registers of the subconscious.
Functioning in sensory-perceptual parameters of the female hypersensitivity, the concept «woman» carries the semantic content due to the gustatory sensory. Moreover, the flavouring sensorisms determine mostly not direct, but indirectly – contextual characteristics of the female images.
In turn, the perceptual strategy of constructing of the concept «woman» by female prose involves the use of tactile sensation, because the woman provides her own sensuality through the direct contact with the object of study. The
pejorative evaluation of the analysed concept occurs owning to the tactile sensorism.


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