Published 2018-12-27
- verbal sensation,
- lexical-semantic field,
- component analysis,
- integral and differential semen
- дієслова відчуття,
- лексико-семантичне поле,
- компонентний аналіз,
- інтегральні та диференційні семи
The article is devoted to the study of semantic and structural features of the lexico-semantic field of sense verbs within modern Ukrainian language.
General identifier of the lexico-semantic field – «senses are signals about the internal state of the organism» – has an analytical form of representation, a broader semantic meaning and consists of three semantic components:
1) dynamic procedural feature: «to perceive with the sensory organs», that defines a feeling as a process and delineates sense verbs from other parts of speech that present different kinds of sensations and are included within the semantic field of «sense» in the language;
2) feeling as a mental process, a signal about the internal state of the organism;
3) designations of feelings that are perceived and / or caused by sensory organs. These designations perform the function of classification, describing the features of senses historically formed within the human psyche.
According to the integral seme «to feel (description of the sensory perception of reality)», sense verbs together with the verbs of perception are a part of the semantic class of verbs of the mental state; according to the differential seme «physical sensation of a human being» sense verbs differ from the verbs of perception and form an independent lexico-semantic field, which has a hierarchical structure and consists of lexico-semantic groups of verbs that identify and describe certain feelings.
Within the lexico-semantic field of sense verbs two potential lexico-semantic groups remain blank. These have the meaning of «static senses» and «kinesthetic senses» and denote the senses of the muscles and tendons of the locomotory organs.
Therefore not all intrinsic senses of the living organism possess a separate nominations in the language which we think is due to their complex biological and mental nature.
Consequently the establishment of connections between the sensation as a process of sensory cognition, the primary way of orientation within the environment for the living organism and the semantic meanings of lexemes defining different types of sensations allowed for a more detailed, scientifically substantiated structuring of the lexico-semantic field of sense verbs in Ukrainian language and characterization of its semantic features.
The analysis carried out in the article showed that the lexico-semantic field of sense verb in the modern Ukrainian
language has a hierarchically organized and branched structure.
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