Published 2018-12-27
- contemporary Ukrainian language,
- functional styles,
- Internet,
- Ukrainian language on the Internet
- сучасна українська мова,
- функціональні стилі,
- Інтернет,
- українська мова в Інтернеті
The Internet has drastically changed the life of modern society. People use the Internet in all kinds of activities and now one can hardly imagine social life without the Internet technologies. World Wide Web caused the emergence of new ways and kinds of communication. This changed considerably the language as a means of communication. That is why the Internet has drawn attention of linguists as it gives an endless amount of topics for researches. Another reason for such scientific interest lies in the fact that the Internet contains both oral and written form of language.
The Internet, which is one of the main means of communication today, plays a very important role in lives of Ukrainian language speakers. Due to the numerous extra linguistic factors, dynamic processes, which occur in the structure of language, create new ways of communication, laws of language and a brand new language culture. All these factors prove the shift in priorities of the Ukrainian society in the globalization era.
Development of the Internet caused radical changes in the contemporary Ukrainian language. It has both positive and negative consequences. The most negative one is the decrease of the language standard. Language of the Internet has become very similar to the spoken language. Features of the spoken language has penetrated in all of the functional styles of the Ukrainian language. This tendency caused some kind of blurring of the functional styles edges. Communication on social media is similar to the spoken language as well. Written text, which is the main way of the Internet communication, has also experienced some changes. These days, written texts on the Internet has become much shorter and video has been widely spread in terms of information transmission. All these changes prove the appearance of a brand new information
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