Published 2018-12-27
- concept,
- conceptual picture of the world,
- language picture of the world,
- functional-semantic field,
- value
- концепт,
- концептуальна картина світу,
- мовна картина світу,
- функційно-семантичне поле,
- цінність
Axiological modality is an integral component of the value of its elements. This manifests the relationship of language and thought, as the evaluation value attribution of objects and phenomena of reality, is one of the main functions of human consciousness and can only be done through speech. The process of axiology – the ratio of the object or phenomenon idealized model of the world, which does not include all components and parameters of reality, but only those that have value according to the culture media. Therefore, if descriptive value ratio fixed expression to reality, the evaluation value characterizing the relationship between the real world and its idealized model, and the presence or absence of correspondence between these worlds, one display to another.
It performs many functions, one of which is also axiologicalor regulatory function. In assessing the apparent general laws of human thought and knowledge of the world, so it is universal linguistic categories. All languages have such units in the structure of value are presented in varying degrees xiologicalcomponent.
Because the opinion which defines axiological modality associated primarily with the system of axiology, it seems most appropriate to take as the base language assessments classification types and values identified, respectively, hedonistic, utilitarian, ethical and aesthetic. It should be noted that the type of assessment may be pragmatic and occasional. We considered only estimates as Usual, that is fixed in the mind of a linguistic community.
The article analyzes the views of Ukrainian and foreign linguists on the nature of cultural values, the classification values, the relationship of values and culture; revealed the structure of fragments of the Ukrainian language picture of the
world and its national characteristics, the basic concepts of data model interpretation.
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