No. 75 (2018): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and Oriental languages


Published 2018-09-24


  • English scientific discourse,
  • hedging,
  • etiquettization,
  • performatives,
  • modal words
  • англомовний науковий дискурс,
  • ґеджування,
  • етикетизація,
  • перформативи,
  • модальні слова


The article is devoted to the investigation of hedging as a way of etiquettization of the English scientific discourse. Hedging is actualized by multilevel language means used for mitigation of criticism, categoricalness of uttering of a scientific thought, improvement of effectiveness of scientific communication, keeping face of the addressee of the discourse safe. Performatives, modal words with meanings of necessity, suggestion, doubt, as well as lexical approximators and means of expressing of non-categorical objection are hedges of the English scientific discourse.


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