No. 74 (2018): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Theory of translation


Published 2018-06-27


  • biblical conceptual sphere,
  • reverbalization of the concept,
  • national translations of the Holy Scripture,
  • intertextuality
  • біблійна концептосфера,
  • ревербалізація концепту,
  • національні переклади Святого Письма,
  • інтертекстуальність


The article sets out to research variants of the reverbalized biblical conceptual sphere LOVE in Ukrainian and Anglophone translations of the Holy Scripture. The author elucidates a considerable difference between components of the biblical conceptual sphere LOVE in the Old and New Testaments and within the New Testament. The reproduction of the complex structure of the verbalized concepts, in particular its punning actualization in the play on the Greek words άγάπάω and ϕιλϵω, often borders on untranslatability. However, I. Oghijenko, whose strategy was based on the principles of literalism, i. e. rendering thoroughly all the sense intricacies of the original, managed to find resources for adequate reverbalization of the problematic concepts.


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