No. 73 (2018): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Intercultural communication


Published 2018-05-17


  • interview,
  • cognitive model,
  • subject-centered frame,
  • slot,
  • respondent
  • інтерв’ю,
  • когнітивна модель,
  • предметноцентричний фрейм,
  • слот,
  • респондент


The article presents an attempt to describe a cognitive model of the English-speaking interview in glossy magazines on the basis of the frame model technique by S.A. Zhabotinskaya, in particular on the basis of subject-centered and actional frames. In the focus of attention the peculiarities of the objectivization of the slot “RESPONDENT” in the interview of the glossy magazines from the point of view of the journalist, are put. It is proved that objectivization of the slot “RESPONDENT” is achieved through characteristics of the slot “SUCH”, represented by qualitative and actional-existential parameters of AGE, GENDER, RACE, ETHNICITY, PROFESSION, MARITAL STATUS, SOCIAL STATUS, APPEARANCE, WAY OF LIFE, PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS.


1. Горшунова Е.Ю., Горшунов Ю.В. Межкультурная коммуникация, этнические стереотипы и ярлыки англоговорящего сообщества: учебное пособие. М.: Проспект, 2015. 121 с.
2. Карасик В.И. Язык социального статуса. М.: Институт языкознания АН СССР, Волгоградский педагогический институт, 1991. 495 с.
3. Масленникова Е.М. Фреймовое представление семантики текста. Лингвистический вестник. Ижевск: УМО «Sancta lingua», 2000. Вып. 2. C. 114.
4. Минский М. Фреймы для представления знаний. М.: Энергия, 1979. 151 c.
5. Павелко Н.Н., Павлов С.О. Психология и педагогика: учебное пособие. URL:почему+мы+судим+человека+по+внешности+психология&source=bl&ots=Wh2H_UqBWT&sig=16to01VfH0SVygD63G1QQE5NLnQ&hl=ru&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjl (дата звернення: 30.03.18).
6. Фролов С.С. Социология: учебник для вузов. М.: Гардарики, 2007. 344 с.
7. Fitzgerald K.J. The Continuing Significance of Race. Racial Genomics in a Postracial Era. Humanity and Society. 2014. Vol 38, Issue 1. P. 49–66. URL: (дата звернення: 21.02.18).
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Список джерел ілюстративного матеріалу:

1. Cosmopolitan. L.: Hearst Corporation, 2012. July. P. 122.
2. Cosmopolitan. L.: Hearst Corporation, 2012. December. P. 39.
3. Cosmopolitan. L.: Hearst Corporation, 2013. February. P. 213.
4. Cosmopolitan. L.: Hearst Corporation, 2013. September. P. 210.
5. Cosmopolitan. L.: Hearst Corporation, 2016. July. P. 108, P. 104.
6. Cosmopolitan. L.: Hearst Corporation, 2016–2017. December – January. P. 84.
7. Esquire. New York: Hearst Corporation, 2012. May. P. 166.
8. Esquire. New York: Hearst Corporation, 2015. November. P. 22.
9. GQ. New York: Conde Nast, 2014. April. P.180.
10. GQ. New York: Conde Nast, 2015. August. P.59.
11. Harper’s Bazaar. L.: Hearst Magazines, 2012. September. P. 546.
12. Harper’s Bazaar. L.: Hearst Magazines, 2014-2015. December–January. P. 258.
13. Harper’s Bazaar. L.: Hearst Magazines, 2015. December. P. 116.
14. Harper’s Bazaar. L.: Hearst Magazines, 2016. June–July. P. 188.
15. Harper’s Bazaar. L.: Hearst Magazines, 2016. November. P. 234.
16. Marie Claire. L.: Hearst Corporation, 2012. September. P. 226.
17. Marie Claire. L.: Hearst Corporation, 2013. April. P. 156.
18. Marie Claire. L.: Hearst Corporation, 2014. April. P. 142, P. 143.
19. Marie Claire. L.: Hearst Corporation, 2014. July. P. 77.
20. Marie Claire. L.: Hearst Corporation, 2015. February. P. 85.
21. Marie Claire. L.: Hearst Corporation, 2015. December. P. 119.
22. Marie Claire. L.: Hearst Corporation, 2016. April. P. 172.
23. Marie Claire. L.: Hearst Corporation, 2016. June. P. 81.
24. Men’s Fitness. N.Y: American Media, Inc., 2016. March. P.66 (2).
25. Men’s Health. Rodale Inc., 2016. June. P. 143.
26. Men’s Health. Rodale Inc., 2016. July/August. P. 90.
27. Men’s Health. Rodale Inc., 2016. December. P. 121.
28. Men’s Journal. N.Y: Wenner Media, 2012–2013. December–January. P. 22, P. 30.
29. Men’s Journal. N.Y: Wenner Media, 2013. September. P. 138.
30. Men’s Journal. N.Y: Wenner Media, 2015. May. P. 122.
31. Men’s Journal. N.Y: Wenner Media, 2015. November. P. 90.
32. Men’s Journal. N.Y: Wenner Media, 2016. May. P. 106.
33. Men’s Journal. N.Y: Wenner Media, 2016. July–August. P. 42.
34. Men’s Journal. N.Y: Wenner Media, 2016. September. P. 106.
35. Men’s Journal. N.Y: Wenner Media, 2016. October. P. 98, P. 40.
36. Vanity Fair. Conde Nast, 2015. May. P. 56 (2).
37. Vanity Fair. Conde Nast, 2016. April. P. 64.
38. Vanity Fair. Conde Nast, 2016. Hollywood. P. 122.