Vol. 2 No. 72 (2018): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Intercultural communication


Published 2018-02-26


  • conspiracy,
  • myth,
  • sacredness,
  • secularization,
  • conspiracy narrative,
  • conspiracy prose
  • ...More
  • конспірологія,
  • міф,
  • сакральність,
  • секуляризація,
  • конспірологічний наратив,
  • конспірологічна проза
  • ...More


The article is devoted to the study of concepts which are important for the interpretation of the conspiracy prose of the late 20th – early 21st century. Historical and modern aspects of the conspiracy theory have been considered; cultural, psychoanalytic, narratological approaches to the conspiracy have been analyzed. Special attention is paid to the issue of correlation of conspiracy, mythological and religious consciousness. The invariants of the structural parameters of the
conspiracy discourse have been revealed.


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