Vol. 2 No. 72 (2018): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and Oriental languages

SEMANTIC VARIATIVITY OF THE TOPONYMIC FORMANTS (on the material of the French language)

Published 2018-02-26


  • toponym,
  • appellative,
  • derivative,
  • semantics,
  • etymology
  • топонім,
  • апелятив,
  • дериват,
  • семантика,
  • етимологія


The article deals with the processes of formation of onomastic lexical units from appellatives category, that designate the cultural and historical realia (derived from the names of settling, building and farmstead).


1. Dauzat A., Rostaing Ch. Dictionnaire étymologique des noms de lieux en France. Рaris: Larousse. Librairie Guénégaud, 1963. 738 p.
2. Dauzat A. Les noms de lieux. Origine et évolution. Paris: Librairie delagrave, 1926. 264 p.
3. Coste Jean. Dictionnaire des noms propres: Toponymes et patronymes de France. Paris: Armand Colin, 2006. 700 p.
4. Jullian C. Histoire de la Gaule. Paris: Librairie Hachette, 1920. 400 p. URL: http://ia700400.us.archive.org/33/items/histoiredelagaul05julluoft/histoiredelagaul05julluoft.pdf
5. Lepelley R. Dictionnaire etymologique des noms de communes de Normandie. Paris: Bonneton, 1993. 387 р.