Romanic, Germanic and Oriental languages
Published 2018-02-26
- punctuation,
- graphic-visual means,
- graphic means,
- fiction discourse
- пунктуація,
- графіко-візуальні засоби,
- графічні засоби,
- художній дискурс
The article highlights the modern views on punctuation in the context of graphic-visual means of modern English fiction discourse arrangement. The article summarizes the views of modern linguists on the methods of visual presentation of information, in the context of which punctuation is seen as an auxiliary nonverbal semiotic system, which takes direct part in the translation of speech activity in the plane of written communication.
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2. Іваненко С.М. Поліфонія ритмотональної будови тексту в стилістичному аспекті (на матеріалі німецької мови): дис. … д-ра філол. наук: 10.02.04. К.: КНУ ім. Т.Г. Шевченка, 2010. 441 с.
3. Ильясова С.В., Амири Л.П. Языковая игра в коммуникативном пространстве СМИ и рекламы. М.: Флинта, 2009. 296 с.
4. Anderson E.R. A Grammar of Iconism. Madison, New Jersey: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1998. 399 p.
5. Bamford J. Variation and Change in Spoken and Written Discourse: Perspectives from corpus linguistics / J. Bamford, S. Cavalieri, G. Diani. Amsterdam, Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2013. 290 р.
6. Carvalho Homem R.M.G., Fátima Lambert M. Writing and Seeing: Essays on Word and Image. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2006. 403 p.
7. Coulmas F. Writing Systems: An Introduction to Their Linguistic Analysis. Cambridge University Press, 2003. 270 p.
8. Elleström L. Iconic Investigations / L. Elleström, O. Fischer, Ch. Ljungberg. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing, 2013. 357 p.
9. Esser J. Presentation in Language: Rethinking Speech and Writing. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2006. 155 р.
10. Harris R. Signs of Writing. NY: Psychology Press, 1995. 185 р.
11. Fox G. Techniques of Description: Spoken and Written Discourse / G. Fox, M. Hoey, J.M. Sinclair. London: Routledge, 2004. 232 р.
12. Jahandarie K. Spoken and Written Discourse: A Multi-disciplinary Perspective. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1999. 446 p.
13. Kawaguchi Y. Prosody and Syntax: Cross-linguistic Perspectives / Y. Kawaguchi, I. Fonagy, T. Moriguchi. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing, 2006. 381 р.
14. Nunberg G. The Linguistics of Punctuation. Stanford: Center for the Study of Language (CSLI), 1990. 141 р.
15. Patt S. Punctuation. Stoughton, WI: BoD. Books on Demand, 2013. 316 р.
16. Walker S. Typography and language in everyday life: prescriptions and practices. London: Longman, 2001. 206 p.
17. Wheildon C. Type & layout: how typography and design can get your message across or get in the way. Calif.: Strathmoor Press, 1995. 248 p.
18. White G. Reading the Graphic Surface: The Presense of the Book in Prose Fiction. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2005. 216 р.
2. Іваненко С.М. Поліфонія ритмотональної будови тексту в стилістичному аспекті (на матеріалі німецької мови): дис. … д-ра філол. наук: 10.02.04. К.: КНУ ім. Т.Г. Шевченка, 2010. 441 с.
3. Ильясова С.В., Амири Л.П. Языковая игра в коммуникативном пространстве СМИ и рекламы. М.: Флинта, 2009. 296 с.
4. Anderson E.R. A Grammar of Iconism. Madison, New Jersey: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1998. 399 p.
5. Bamford J. Variation and Change in Spoken and Written Discourse: Perspectives from corpus linguistics / J. Bamford, S. Cavalieri, G. Diani. Amsterdam, Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2013. 290 р.
6. Carvalho Homem R.M.G., Fátima Lambert M. Writing and Seeing: Essays on Word and Image. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2006. 403 p.
7. Coulmas F. Writing Systems: An Introduction to Their Linguistic Analysis. Cambridge University Press, 2003. 270 p.
8. Elleström L. Iconic Investigations / L. Elleström, O. Fischer, Ch. Ljungberg. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing, 2013. 357 p.
9. Esser J. Presentation in Language: Rethinking Speech and Writing. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2006. 155 р.
10. Harris R. Signs of Writing. NY: Psychology Press, 1995. 185 р.
11. Fox G. Techniques of Description: Spoken and Written Discourse / G. Fox, M. Hoey, J.M. Sinclair. London: Routledge, 2004. 232 р.
12. Jahandarie K. Spoken and Written Discourse: A Multi-disciplinary Perspective. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1999. 446 p.
13. Kawaguchi Y. Prosody and Syntax: Cross-linguistic Perspectives / Y. Kawaguchi, I. Fonagy, T. Moriguchi. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing, 2006. 381 р.
14. Nunberg G. The Linguistics of Punctuation. Stanford: Center for the Study of Language (CSLI), 1990. 141 р.
15. Patt S. Punctuation. Stoughton, WI: BoD. Books on Demand, 2013. 316 р.
16. Walker S. Typography and language in everyday life: prescriptions and practices. London: Longman, 2001. 206 p.
17. Wheildon C. Type & layout: how typography and design can get your message across or get in the way. Calif.: Strathmoor Press, 1995. 248 p.
18. White G. Reading the Graphic Surface: The Presense of the Book in Prose Fiction. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2005. 216 р.