Literary theory
Published 2016-09-06
- spatiality,
- category of space,
- stylistic devices
- просторовість,
- категорія простору,
- стилістичні засоби
This article deals with the usage of diverse stylistic devices expressing spatiality. Frequency of the exact stylistic devices usage is analysed on the basis of “The Financier” by Th. Dreiser
1. Regier T. The Human Semantic Potential: Spatial Language and Constrained Connectionism / Terry Regier. – Aberdeen, MIT Press, 1996. – 259 p.
2. Lakoff G. Metaphors we live by / George Lakoff, Mark Johnson – London: The university of Chicago Press, 2003. – 277 p.
3. Cormac Earl R. A Cognitive Theory of Metaphor / Earl R. Cormac. – Aberdeen, MIT Press, 1995. – 477 p.
4. Edelman Sh. Bridging Language with the Rest of Cognition: Computational, Algorithmic and Neurobiological Issues and Methods / Shimon Edelman // Gonzales–Marquez et al.(eds.), Methods in Cognitive Linguistics, 2007. – Р. 425–445.
5. Dreiser T. The Financier / Theodore Dreiser. – An Electronic Classics Series Publication, the Pennsylvania State University, 2007. – 517 p.
2. Lakoff G. Metaphors we live by / George Lakoff, Mark Johnson – London: The university of Chicago Press, 2003. – 277 p.
3. Cormac Earl R. A Cognitive Theory of Metaphor / Earl R. Cormac. – Aberdeen, MIT Press, 1995. – 477 p.
4. Edelman Sh. Bridging Language with the Rest of Cognition: Computational, Algorithmic and Neurobiological Issues and Methods / Shimon Edelman // Gonzales–Marquez et al.(eds.), Methods in Cognitive Linguistics, 2007. – Р. 425–445.
5. Dreiser T. The Financier / Theodore Dreiser. – An Electronic Classics Series Publication, the Pennsylvania State University, 2007. – 517 p.