No. 71 (2017): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and Oriental languages


Published 2017-11-27


  • “cooperative learning”,
  • “group work”,
  • German lesson,
  • group,
  • student
  • «кооперативне навчання»,
  • «групова робота»,
  • урок німецької мови,
  • група,
  • учень
  • kooperatives Lernen,
  • Gruppenarbeit,
  • Deutschunterricht,
  • Gruppe,
  • Schüler


The article is devoted to the analysis of the concepts of “cooperative learning” and “group work” in the German lesson. Special attention is paid to the characteristic features of the basic principle of the use of technologies of cooperative learning in the process of joint learning. The analysis of “group learning” and the main principles of "cooperative learning" are considered. Also, the methods of group work in the class and the criteria for classification of groups and stages of the German lessons are analyzed.


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