No. 71 (2017): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Literary process: theoretical and historical aspects


Published 2017-11-27


  • romantic poem,
  • contrast,
  • antiphrasis,
  • historiosophy,
  • satire,
  • irony,
  • author’s position
  • ...More
  • романтична поема,
  • контраст,
  • антифразис,
  • історіософія,
  • сатира,
  • іронія,
  • авторська позиція
  • ...More


The article deals with characteristic features of the romantic myth and historiosophy in the poem “Mazeppa” by J.G. Byron. The modality of using concepts “contrast” and “antiphrasis” has been revealed. The functioning of irony as a stylistic feature of the romantic poem “Mazeppa” by J.G. Byron has been traced. Forms of the expressing of author’s position concerning questions of personality and its role in history, life and death, good and evil have been exposed. The article deals with the ways of embodiment of the fabulous figure of Ivan Mazeppa and poetic image of Ukraine in J. G. Byron’s poem. The specific character of the use of symbols in the poem “Mazeppa” has been investigated. J.G. Byron’s creative work and his traditions, innovations have been considered in the context of the development of English and European romanticism.


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6. Байрон Дж. Мазепа / Дж. Байрон ; пер. з англ. Н. Жлуктенко. – Харків : Фоліо, 2005. – 477 с.
7. Наливайко Д. Мазепа у контексті європейського романтизму / Д. Наливайко. – Київ : ВЦ «Веселка», 2006. – 30 с.
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