No. 70 (2017): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Literary theory


Published 2017-11-27


  • категорія,
  • Інший,
  • дискурс,
  • феміністична критика,
  • «друга стать»
  • category,
  • Other,
  • discourse,
  • feminist literary criticism,
  • “second sex”


The article deals with the category of the “Other” which is basic for the discourses that are unfolding within the framework of literary feminism, mainly of its French branch. The article states that the category of the “Other” in feminist studies considers a woman as “the second sex” (S. de Beauvoir) and subjugated by a male. The author notes that according to the apologists of feminism, in the disposition of a man and a woman, the latter for many centuries remained a minor. Within the feminist critique, the discourse of the “Other” provides an opportunity to analyze the role of women in the patriarchal society, which limits the women’s role in political, legal, economic and psychological spheres.


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