No. 70 (2017): Southern Archive (philological sciences)
Romanic, Germanic and Oriental languages


Published 2017-11-27


  • fiction literature,
  • exclamatory sentence,
  • pragmatic aspect
  • художній текст,
  • окличне речення,
  • прагматичний аспект


The article deals with the peculiarities of the exclamatory sentences in fiction texts. Special attention is paid to the pagmatic aspect of exclamatory expressions in the Roald Dahl’s works. The productivity of such structures depends primarily on the writer’s aim, the content of his works, which emphasize children’s basic emotions. The individuality of the Roald Dahl’s creative manner is fully manifested through the creative possibilities of the universal language system, which, creating the artistic and aesthetic content of the entire work, is marked by the influence of the unique personality of the writer.


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